Careful timetabling, personalisation, individual route-mapping ensures that these key components work together to meet the needs of each individual.
  • Core curriculum areas of Maths, English and Computing are essential to fulfilling the school goals and form a key component throughout the curriculum. In lower school students work on well differentiated and engaging Maths, English and Computing curricula which give the opportunity to learn, recall, consolidate and progress. As students move into sixth form they focus in using these skills in a functional and applied way appropriate to independent living and life in the workplace.

  • A learning-focused, thematic curriculum provides a structured approach to teaching and learning in Science, History, Geography, Technology and Art throughout KS3 and 4, ensuring that pupils can make connections between their learning and their real life experiences.

  • Our Healthy Lifestyles curriculum supports pupils to make responsible, informed choices in school, at home, the community and in the workplace, developing independence skills to equip students for life beyond school. This curriculum includes a strong safeguarding element to support pupils to learn how to make positive choices to keep themselves safe and healthy, now and in adult life.

  • The Young Citizen curriculum develops the skills, knowledge and understanding to be active citizens in in modern Britain. Students learn how to be self-advocates so that their needs are met and where to go for help when this is needed.

  • Our Enterprise curriculum equips students with the essential, executive skills to support successful and active citizenship and life as a member of a workforce. The skills taught include Teamworking, Listening, Creative thinking, Problem Solving, Communicating and Resilience.

  • Our Vocational curriculum strengthens as students move through school with an increasing focus on work placements and employability skills. The curriculum is underpinned by strong careers education throughout school and a qualifications framework which helps young people to have a pathway that leads into further study or work.

  • The Enrichment curriculum supports pupils to understand and access the rich leisure, sporting and cultural opportunities available within the city, providing the skills, knowledge and understanding to apply their developing independence skills to fulfil personal interests and engage in a meaningful way with their local community.


For further information about our curriculum you can contact Diane Ainsworth - [email protected] or Michelle Wilkinson - [email protected]

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